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Nicholas Vinther Skov, Head of CX Advisory :
E-mail:, phone: +45 41 12 85 36
Trine Neimann-Platz, Vice President of Strategy, Sustainability and Norway
Over 8 years, Ennova has facilitated Kvadrat’s employee and customer survey, and in 2020, Kvadrat decided to perform a customer survey every year instead of every second year. Kvadrat needs more frequent customer insight, explains Trine Neimann-Platz, Vice President of Strategy, Sustainability and Norway:
“In line with the digital transformation, a transformation has also taken place in the customers’ expectations and in the market dynamics. So, in order to continue to be able to adapt to the customers’ needs, we need more frequent customer insight. The customers are our focal point, and their satisfaction is critical to us. This is also the reason why the customer survey is one of our four success factors at Kvadrat and thus included in the bonus agreements.”
The now annual customer survey is already very valuable to Kvadrat, which is why the survey’s insights are included in both the strategic three-year plans and the annual plans. These are used for identifying the development points and focus areas that are key to the employees at Kvadrat for the coming period. Therefore, Melisa Mygind, Strategy Manager, believes that Kvadrat could be interested in making thematic surveys, e.g. with a business-critical subject, or to make project-related surveys:
“We have many big projects where it is very important for us to get customer feedback early in the process, so that we can react if something needs to be changed or if we need to do more of something else. This is why project-related surveys could be an exciting option for us in the long term.”
According to Melisa Mygind and Trine Neimann-Platz, an annual customer survey means that Kvadrat has the best basis for developing its business in the right direction. The survey also ensures that we are aware of possible development potential within Kvadrat’s core areas. For example, in 2020, the customer survey showed a surprising result within one of Kvadrat’s core areas, which is sustainability, says Trine Neimann-Platz:
“We thought we were clear with respect to our sustainability agenda towards our customers, but the survey showed something different. In our Norwegian market, we were not explicit enough about our sustainability agenda, compared to our competitors.”
She continues by explaining that they initiated some targeted initiatives based on this result. For example, the salespersons were onboarded in how to explain Kvadrat’s sustainability agenda as early as in the sales dialog, and Kvadrat set up some events together with the customers, focusing on sustainability.
The customers reacted well to the initiatives, which was also reflected in the 2021 survey. Here, the results were positive and showed that Kvadrat had moved in the right direction.
Since 2014, Ennova facilitated both employee and customer surveys at Kvadrat. This means that Ennova has attained extensive knowledge of Kvadrat and the company’s organizational history, which both Trine and Melisa see as important strengths in the co-operation:
“Our many years of co-operation means that Ennova is capable of understanding our results and can put them in a historic context. You can then challenge us on our expectations and hypotheses and develop us. In addition, Ennova always talks to us on equal footing in relation to where we need your professional expertise.”
According to Trine Neimann-Platz, there are several different things that work well and are satisfactory about the co-operation:
“We are very satisfied with the process-related handling, your analytical expertise and, particularly, your very in-depth knowledge of market development within customer satisfaction surveys and relevant connections, for example to employee satisfaction. This means that you can give us the best and more relevant advice.”
At Ennova, we look forward to a good co-operation with Kvadrat and to continue to support your development going forward.
Kvadrat used our Customer Relation Survey at a strategic level to leverage customer satisfaction and to understand the key drivers of their customer satisfaction. With this solution Kvadrat got data driven recommendations on what matters to their customer - and thus knowledge of where to improve. The Customer Relation Survey is designed to provide you with the high-quality, actionable insights you need. It is easy to set-up and run and lets you get started swiftly and with a minimum of effort. Our concepts are easy to scale globally if you need both local and global insights.
Want to see what some of our other clients are saying?
Please feel free to contact me.
Nicholas Vinther Skov, Head of CX Advisory :
E-mail:, phone: +45 41 12 85 36