Discover the drivers of customer satisfaction and focus your efforts where they matter most. With advanced analytics and practical insights, our Customer Relation Survey helps you build loyalty and drive growth with data-backed decisions.
Book a demo and see the difference customer insights can make.
- and improve your customer experience based on facts
Take customer insights and business results to the next level with Ennova’s Customer Experience Platform! We have made it easy for you to identify critical customer insights and improve the customer experience all along the customer journey. Let the voice of the customer be at the heart of your most important business decisions.
Understand the key drivers of your customer satisfaction, focus your effort and drive your business forward Based on the latest research and solid best-practice experience we have combined state of the art analytical models and AI with next generation CX contents. You get data driven recommendations on what matters to your customer - and thus knowledge of where to improve.
Ready to plug and play!
The Customer Relation Survey is designed to provide you with the high-quality, actionable insights you need – fast! It is easy to set-up and run and lets you get started swiftly and with a minimum of effort. With e.g. pre-defined and validated questionnaire contents, GDPR compliant survey texts, data collection and support, analysis and reporting templates in dashboards everything is prepared from A-Z. We handle the execution so you can prepare for change. Need both local and global insights? No problem, as many of our customers are companies with a global reach our concepts scale globally.
Our Customer Relation Survey has an integrated text- and sentiment analysis tool. This tool both categorizes the open comments made by customers throughout the survey AND assesses whether the comments are positive, negative, or neutral.
Hereby, you’ll get a more comprehensive picture of how your customers value your company, and you can quickly identify both your strengths and areas for improvement
Facilitated processes to enhance the customer experience
Need help to keep momentum and reduce time to action? Our experienced CX consultants can facilitate the right processes to translate insights into tangible actions and business outcomes in an efficient way. We help you focus on how to get started with your CX initiatives in the right way and how you engage and involve your organization to actively take ownership and responsibility.
Get in touch with our team todayand help your organization transform and grow your business |