The employee experience area is about how you as an organization perform when a person interacts with your organization. In this guide, we will guide you through what it is, why it is important and how you can improve and end up mastering the employee experience area in your organization.
Employee experience refers to the sum of all the experiences a person has as a candidate, employee, manager, freelancer etc. at or with your organization throughout their working life and personal life.
Employee experience is not the same as employee engagement, which is about the employee's commitment to the organization.
Delivering excellent employee experiences will help you maintain and attract new employees. To master the areas and create and deliver excellent employee experiences, there are 4 different areas you should focus on.
Employees are an organization's most important asset. From a financially perspective, prioritizing the employee experience area is very important. Because great employee experiences pay off and give your organization several different financial benefits.
The employee experience area affects no less than eight dimensions in the daily work that is related directly to the top and bottom line.
Neglecting your employees and not working strategically with the area can be very costly on the top and bottom line.
Success with the employee experience area is only possible if the executive board are prepared to work in a focused and committed way with the employee experience. If they are not convinced yet, it is important that you convince the CEO to prioritize working with the employee experience area.
The foundation of any employee experience transformation should be data driven. Employee insights should be collected in an intelligent way and analysis and facts must be anchored in a way that the organization wants to act and thus generate positive change.
It is necessary to master some new techniques with respect to designing the best possible experiences. HR, managers etc. must be trained in being able to perceive the organization through the eyes of the employees to be able to assume a true outside-in focus.
Employee Experience (EX) refers to the entire field. It sums up an employee's experience with an organization during work life and personal life.
Employee Journey (EJ) is the path an employee takes in an organization from hearing about the organization to becoming an alumnus. There are at least 25 subjourneys in every organization.
Employee Touchpoint (ET) is a point of contact in the employee journey. This could be a job interview with a recruiter, your first day, or morning meetings. In every organization, there are more than 250 touchpoints.
Emotional moments of truth (eMOT) are touchpoints and subjourneys in employees' personal life or through the organization. EMOTs are critically important to the employee experience due to an exceptionally high emotional value.
Employee friction-points (EF) are touchpoints that lead to inefficient work that has no value production. Organizations typically have more than 25 friction points such as bad meetings, bad IT systems, and taxed processes.
Detractor, Neutral, and Promoter EX activities are activities that result in negative, neutral, or positive employee experiences.
Employee continuous listening (ECL) is a system of collecting insights about employees' experiences regularly. ECL is about employees' experiences through the employee journey and includes particular touchpoints and subjourneys throughout the year.
People Analytics (PA) is a discipline that combines rich sources of data about your employees through the entire employee journey and across touchpoints. PA should derive valuable insights that can improve EX and is connected to top or bottom lines.
How high on the strategic agenda are the employees in your organization actually – if you really think about it?
Employee experience is a complex discipline to master. Many talk about it, but few companies have started working with it. Therefore, our book “Mastering Employee Experience” gives HR and top management 16 specific initiatives for implementing a transformation of employee experience over a 3-year period.
Many organizations have started listening to their employees more frequently and with a broader scope than ever before - and for good reason. Because if you want to create the best employee experiences, you need to measure your employee experience in an intelligent way throughout the employee journey.
To be successful with employee listening, it is not enough to measure and collect a lot of feedback - great listening occurs when you act and follow up on the insights you get, which is a very essential and important part of mastering the area at some point. But the balance between insights and action can be very difficult to manage in order to create excellent employee experiences.
If you are considering to start working strategically with your employee experiences, you might wonder "which sources will lead to employee experience insights?"
You can mix data from various sources to create a set up that covers the entire employee journey as baseline for creating the best employee experiences. Therefore, choosing the right sources to gain the EX insights that you actually need is important if you don't want the work to be a waste of time and resources.
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