it management

Here you can find information about e.g. accessability to Ennova systems, email deliverability, supported webbrowsers and more.

technical requirements

To make sure the dataflow from Ennova will run as smoothly as possible, we need you to check the technical requirements described. Then we will know that the Ennova systems will work as intended.

Access to Ennova systems

If your organization has separate IT solutions for different parts of the organization, please make sure to apply the whitelisting to all solutions. We find that a small number of customers has a very strict security policy regarding blocking access to websites. If this applies to your organization, please make sure that all Ennova systems can be accessed by whitelisting the following websites.

Please whitelist * so that you can access future Ennova systems or in case we need to change the addresses of existing Ennova systems.

If your company is using Mimecast, please pay special attention to your Mimecast setup regarding the below websites/domains. Also, see known issues in more details regarding Mimecast settings further below on this page.

System Website

Ennova sites:

  • Organizer
  • Response Rates
  • Login letters
  • Ennova Suite
  • Online Reporting
Survey system partner  *
Translation system partner  https://languageportal.worldtranslation.


Email deliverability

Ennova uses email to communicate with your employees. We do this in bulk when we invite respondents to participate in surveys and when providing access to results. We also have systems which rely on email to communicate access links and notifications. Many email setups guard against large quantities of emails sent from the same sender in a short period of time (so-called throttling).

Therefore, to ensure that emails from Ennova arrive at your end, we highly recommend that you whitelist sender email addresses coming from the domain

Ennova uses DMARC, SPF and DKIM records to guard against phishing and spam abuse. In-depth technical information about this is available publicly.

You can find it at the following link: 

Web browsers supported

Ennova applications are tested against the list below. Ennova applications might work in other browsers or email clients than those included in the list – however, this is not guaranteed. A thorough test is therefore necessary if browsers or email clients are not included in Ennova's initial testing. Ennova cannot be expected to make changes to accommodate browser versions or email clients not mentioned below.

Additionally, it must be stressed that none of Ennova's applications are based on Silverlight or Active X, so there will be no browser issues in this respect.

Web Questionnaire (Forsta)

Ennova is using Forsta as our survey platform. Browser requirements for using the platform can found here. If other browsers are used, a test should be conducted.


  • Microsoft Edge (newest version)
  • Firefox (newest version)
  • Safari (newest version)
  • Chrome (newest version)


  • Safari (newest version)


  • Chrome (newest version)
  • UC Browser (newest version)

Dashboards (Dundas)

For the two Ennova products ENNOVA EXPLORER and Customer Touchpoint Survey, Ennova uses the Dundas BI platform.

ENNOVA EXPLORER is part of our delivery on employee Main Engagement surveys and is typically rolled out in the HR organization.

Customer Touchpoint Survey is a product for measuring customer experience in real-time at all different touchpoints.

If other browsers are used than the ones on the list, a browser test should be conducted.

Browsers supported:


  • Chrome 26 (and newer)
  • Firefox 20 (and newer)
  • Safari 6 (and newer) – not supported on Windows
  • Microsoft Edge


  • iOS 6 (and newer)
  • Android 4.0 (and newer) – for Android Chrome browser only


Ennova Developed Applications

(Ennova Organizer, Ennova Suite, Ennova Online Reporting)

Ennova’s own developed applications will work in the browsers listed below. They might also work in other browsers, but we cannot guarantee this since it has not been tested. Therefore, a test should be conducted in such cases.

  • Edge (Newest version)
  • Google Chrome (Newest version)
  • Safari (Newest version)
  • Firefox (Newest version)

Email clients supported

When we send out email notifications, we need to make sure the email clients can show the content in the right way. The email clients are tested. However, other email clients than those included in the list might work – though this is not guaranteed. Therefore, a test should be conducted in such cases.

Desktop clients

  • Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 (12.0) +
  • Windows 10 Mail
  • Apple Mail (11) +
  • Lotus Notes (8) +

Mobile/tablet clients

  • Android (6.0) +
  • Google Inbox
  • Gmail App
  • Outlook
  • Samsung Mail
  • iOS
  • Gmail App
  • iPhone 8
  • iPhone X
  • iPad Pro

Web-based clients

  • Gmail (Explorer, Firefox, Chrome)
  • Office 365 (Explorer, Firefox, Chrome)
  • (Explorer, Firefox, Chrome)


Ennova Single Sign On solution use Microsoft Azure AD multitenant mode (also known as “Work or School” account in some cases)

Who can use this SSO solution?
Any customer that have its users available in one or more Azure AD tenants.

Why have Ennova chosen to provide this type of SSO solution?
Ennova have chosen to support this SSO solution as it offers the lowest amount of configuration and maintenance for both Ennova and our customers while at the same time providing a Microsoft Azure AD managed infrastructure for authentication that ensures a high level of privacy and security for users accessing Ennova applications.
Get SSO documentation

Known issues


Using the email service Mimecast

When using Mimecast, emails can be delayed due to ‘greylisting’.

You can mitigate this issue by creating a new “Greylist” policy. Read more here: 

The required information for the “Greylist” policy can be found in Ennova’s SPF records.
If your organization uses Mimecast and needs additional information, contact your Ennova project manager.

For more information

If you have any questions related to Ennova’s specifications above, please contact us at