For FOSS, it is important to have regular insight into customer satisfaction and to work constantly towards even better and a higher degree of customer orientation. This is one of the company’s core values. Therefore, FOSS uses Ennova to perform an annual survey, which provides relevant customer insight used to generate improvement.
Focus on performance in our own customer-facing value chain
With subsidiaries that represent 32 countries and more than 75 global distributors, the day-to-day customer orientation at FOSS is a top strategic priority, according to Lars Veber Mygland, Program Manager Global Sales & Customer Excellence.
With an annual customer survey, FOSS has been able to add and implement regular improvements and adjustments in line with the development of the business, which during the last 6 years, have improved customer satisfaction significantly. At FOSS, the annual customer survey is a tool for generating value at the operational level across FOSS’ companies, and it has led to insight into how FOSS performs in the customer-facing value chain.
Negative customer feedback generated new initiatives
Since 2013, Ennova has facilitated the annual customer survey at FOSS, which most recently included 2000 responses globally. Among other things, FOSS learned the customer’s Net Promoter Score (NPS), which indicates the customers’ willingness to recommend the company. For example, in 2019, the survey showed that the NPS at FOSS’ subsidiary in Iberia had dropped, and customer criticism included:
“The customers were not at all satisfied with the local telephone system we were using at that time. It may sound like a minor thing, but it generated great dissatisfaction, so we were happy to be made aware of the situation."
This point of criticism became a top priority for the local employees in Iberia, which then worked on implementing a different and better telephone system.

Figure: Since 2014, FOSS’ subsidiary in Iberia has scored an improvement of more than 30 NPS points.
Among other initiatives, this insight and the follow-up reaction could be a contributory factor why the subsequent – and most recent – customer survey showed an increase and significant improvement in Iberia’s NPS, which has managed to increase by 30 NPS points since 2014.
Lars Veber Mygland still believes that the follow-up process after the survey is very valuable for generating improvement at the individual customer level in the departments:
“After each survey, we hold a workshop for our employees, where we discuss what we need to improve and which actions could help generate an even better customer experience, both generally and also specifically for our major customers with large purchase potential. “Red” customers will also be contacted by our colleagues in the respective countries, so we can initiate improvements immediately if necessary.”
Good co-operation for 8 years
The customer surveys have provided FOSS with valuable insight over the years, both at the corporate level and at the individual customer level. Most recently the customer surveys have, however, been particularly valuable all the way down at the customer level. Here, the surveys have shown to be indispensable for FOSS’ ability to work actively with maintaining customer focus and being customer oriented, which is clearly reflected in the major increase in customer satisfaction since 2016. Lars Veber Mygland would therefore like to see the collaboration with Ennova continue – most importantly because Ennova’s product is easy and simple for FOSS’ customers to use and be a part of.
Lars Veber Mygland is particularly pleased with Ennova’s thoroughness:
“The data that we are provided has always been correct, delivered on time, and presented in a way that is easy to understand. I have only worked with pleasant and proficient people at Ennova. Previously, I worked extensively with customer analyses myself, so I know that the “devil is in the detail”, and this is something Ennova is good at.”
According to Lars Veber Mygland, the collaboration with Ennova has always been characterized by the option for flexibility and adaptation to our needs, and FOSS’ change proposals for the questionnaire have always been received openly. Therefore, he is happy to recommend Ennova to other companies that would like a customer survey that leads to reliable data, making it easy to act and to adjust the customer experience where it matters.
FOSS used our Customer Relation Survey to continuously improve and build customer centricity and to understand the key drivers of their customer satisfaction. With this solution FOSS got data driven recommendations on what matters to their customer - and thus knowledge of where to improve. The Customer Relation Survey is designed to provide you with the high-quality, actionable insights you need. It is easy to set-up and run and lets you get started swiftly and with a minimum of effort. Our concepts are easy to scale globally if you need both local and global insights.
About FOSS
FOSS is the leading global provider of analytics for the food and agricultural industries. They create end-to-end solutions that secure and improve food quality – from raw material to finished product. FOSS optimize the food production and work on improving food safety globally. FOSS employs 1,500 employees around the world and 99% of the business is generated outside of Denmark.