What determines the custoner experience?
"Pension is interesting when talking about customer experience, as the time frame is practically an entire lifetime.
We want to be in touch with our customers and to give them the best possible advice, so that they can enjoy their retirement. This requires insight into our customers and their experience of being customers with us – through all life's phases, from their first job straight out of school, throughout their working lives, and right until retirement.
Ennova’s CX solution allows us to mix different analytical methods, both quantitative and qualitative. This means that we gain broad insight into our customers, spanning their phases of life, as well as in-depth insight at each contact point, e.g. welcoming new customers.
This gives us the strength that each customer initiative we launch is backed by both broad and in-depth customer insight. We can act effectively at the individual contact point, where we need to provide a specific customer experience, as well as broadly, where we need to match our messages to the current point in the customer’s life."
PFA used our Customer Relation Survey which provided PFA with insights on their customer journey. Our Customer Relation Survey is designed to provide you with the high-quality, actionable insights you need. It is easy to set-up and run and lets you get started swiftly and with a minimum of effort. Our concepts are easy to scale globally if you need both local and global insights.
Niels Østerdahl, Market analysis manager, PFA