Employee Experience Insights

Nicholas Winther Skov. Head of CX Advisory

About finding the balance between AI data and survey data

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a game changer in many fields, and survey work is no exception. But while AI and AI-generated data offer...

Nicholas Winther Skov. Head of CX Advisory

About finding the balance between AI data and survey data

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a game changer in many fields, and survey...

Vibeke Follmann

When leaders are skeptical about engagement surveys

Engagement surveys are more than just an HR metric; they reflect the core...

Guri Hanstvedt

How to enhance leadership coaching with data-driven insights

Leadership coaching is a great tool for development and personal growth. When...


Leadership by numbers: When surveys surprise and follow-up is difficult

Engagement surveys are a common tool in organizations that focus on leadership...


5 tips for supporting leaders with low engagement scores

Supporting leaders who receive low engagement scores can be a challenging task...

Vibeke Follmann

A leader's story: My road to an effective follow-up process

Disclaimer: This is a fictional case built on a collection of practical...

Nicholas Winther Skov. Head of CX Advisory

3 HR Strategies for Excellent Customer Experience

At the heart of a successful business is a deep understanding that great...


5 ways to manage stress at work

Stress has become a common issue in the workplace. In our 2023 panel survey, a...


Workplace stress: What is it and how do you recognize it?

Understanding and managing stress is essential in today’s fast-paced work...


After the honeymoon phase: How job satisfaction evolves

Once we've recruited the best talent for our organization, it's vital to ensure...


Practicing Leadership Development with 360 feedback

In today’s ever-evolving corporate landscape, practicing leadership development...

Morten Hartvig Berg, Head of People Insights

What does diversity, equity, and inclusion mean?

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) are not just buzzwords; it's a...

Morten Hartvig Berg, Head of People Insights

How are other organizations working with DE&I?

If you want to create an inclusive culture, there are a lot of different things...

Morten Hartvig Berg, Head of People Insights

How to measure diversity, equity, and inclusion

Measuring diversity, equity and inclusion within an organization is essential...

Morten Hartvig Berg, Head of People Insights

Equality vs. equity in the workplace: What is the difference?

You probably know that equality and equity are related concepts . But do you...


how to choose the provider of an Employee Engagement Platform?

If you want to work strategically with your employee engagement, the choice of...


20 important questions for your 360 leadership feedback

A 360-degree leadership feedback program helps the leaders in your organization...


Guide: How to listen to your employees

Many organizations have started listening to their employees more frequently...


What is employee voice and why is it important to practice?

The voice of your employees is important. Because employees want to contribute...


8 important employee engagement trends heading into 2024

By keeping up to date with employee engagement trends, the HR team in your...


What is an employee engagement platform and which key features to look for?

Are you embarking on work with your employee engagement? Then you need the...


Quick Guide: 8 steps to improve your Employee Experience in year 1

The quick guide “8 steps to successful Employee Experience in year 1” breaks...


How to engage your employees with 8 main drivers

How do you engage the employees in your organization? Many companies speak...


What is employee motivation and how to motivate employees

Employee motivation is the driving force behind a team's dedication,...


What is employee experience and how to master the EX discipline?

Employees are an organization's most important asset, and there are no other...


Keep employee satisfaction high with these 8 drivers

Having satisfied employees will strengthen your organization in several ways....


Employee Survey: Types, frequency, and balancing insights and action

With an employee survey, you increase the probability of keeping your...


What is People Analytics and how to use it in practice?

People Analytics enables HR to make data-driven decisions linked to the...

Leadership & Team Developement - Rasmus Højbæk, Leadership Consultant

How to create a sustainable working environment

Do you have a sustainable working environment at your workplace? For something...

Agneta Saxeby. Senior Advisor

Feedback is the key to success

"We need to be better at communicating strategies and goals. We need to boost...

Katrine Holm Bendixen & Lise Garbus

How to win the loyalty of your employees

Attracting and retaining your employees requires a decent, safe and inclusive...

Morten Henriksen. Chief Customer Officer

Do you listen often and broadly enough to your employees?

Listening to your employees is important. But for most companies, the employee...

Morten Henriksen. Chief Customer Officer

7 tips for HR: How to ensure employee engagement when inflation is on the rise

We have all felt it. Inflation is soaring, and many things have increased in...

Vibeke Follmann & Rasmus Højbæk

Let data be the key to less bias and more diversity in the workplace

First of all, let’s be clear about one thing: Pursuing diversity in one’s...

Guri Hanstvedt

Become a better leader through your listening skills

As a leader, if you're seeking ways to elevate your communication skills and...

Stephanie Semay Bäckström & Thomas Lange

Future workplace: Work is an activity - not a location

Among our customers, more CxOs are recognizing that C19 accelerated their...

Morten Henriksen. Chief Customer Officer

Flexible workplace: 4 views typically held be leaders

During the last year, more or less every executive board, management group, and...

Vibeke Follmann

5 mistakes when following up on your engagement survey

Are you and your team also guilty of these five mistakes when following up on...

Morten Henriksen. Chief Customer Officer

Engagement survey: how to act on very high or very low results

Right now, lots of organizations are taking their own temperature using...

Katrine Holm Bendixen & Lise Garbus

Leadership and engagement: key points from Denmark’s HR Conference 2021

Corona has led to changes that impose new requirements on HR and leadership....


Product update: Work smarter and easier with your employee engagement

We are continuously working on improving our products based on customer...

Velin Nikolov. Senior Adviser

How employee journey mapping leads to better employee experiences

Employee journey mapping is a critical tool for recognizing and understanding...

Stephanie Semay Bäckström & Lærke Gelineck Berg

3 tips for HR: How to create a strong feedback culture with dialog

In recent times, it has become clear that we are people with a basic need to...

Per Nordahl. Senior Leadership Consultant

How to lead in a hybrid working environment

As many companies re-open their offices, most of us will have to develop hybrid...

Morten Hartvig Berg, Head of People Insights

use People Analytics to enhance you decision-making process

Unless your birth year starts with a 2, chances are you have tried using a...

Employee Experience - Pernille Lundtoft. Senior Advisor & Director

what is required by the future of workplaces?

Many companies are preparing to re-establish the future of workplace for when...

Thomas Lange. Senior Leadership Consultant

Turn employee engagement data into positive change

If you want to turn data from your employee engagement survey into successful...

Stephanie Bäckström Semay, Lærke Gelineck Berg, Morten Hartvig Berg

When a derailed culture shows its ugly face

Often, it is the workplace assessment that uncovers a derailed culture when it...

Thomas Vestergaard. Chief Executive Officer

guide: make your CEO prioritize working with the employee experience

As a company, now is the time to start working with employee experience (EX) on...

Stephanie Semay Bäckström

how to support leaders with low score to move forward and improve

Regardless of whether you are a leader of a leader with a low engagement score,...

Stephanie Semay Bäckström & Lærke Gelineck Berg

Importance of feedback: giving and receiving feedback makes you a better leader

Many leaders are not good with feedback, and this inhibits learning and...

Søren Smit. Director

How to start working strategically with your employee experience

If you want to work with your employee experience on a strategic level in your...


What can Employees do after responding to an engagement survey

When you respond to an engagement survey, it is natural that you will start to...

Thomas Phillipsen. Senior Leadership Consultant

4 steps for HR to support leaders to unhappy employees

Getting low results in an employee engagement survey is a highly emotional...

Søren Smit. Director

Employee Experience: The most central terms and definitions to know

There are many terms and conceptual frameworks being used within the Employee...

Søren Smit. Director

Neglecting your employees is costly on your top and bottom line

Employees are an organization’s most important asset, and no other area has...


How to Master the Employee Experience?

The book “Mastering Employee Experience – 16 specific steps to take in your EX...

Søren Smit. Director

COVID-19 has improved employees’ satisfaction

New Ennova survey shows that COVID-19 has greatly improved employee...

Thomas Phillipsen. Senior Leadership Consultant

From remote colleagues to distributed teams

Author - Morten Hartvig Berg, Head of Employee Experience & Insights

- how to...

Morten Hartvig Berg, Head of People Insights

Employee Engagement trends during a pandemic

For most organizations, the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic were spent...

Morten Henriksen. Chief Customer Officer

Continuous Listening in times of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic places the human agenda in companies at the center of...

Morten Hartvig Berg, Head of People Insights

Adapt your COVID-19 surveys to the stage of the pandemic

An increasing number of organizations are ramping up employee surveying in...

Anders Filtenborg. Director

Key takeaways from Denmark’s HR Conference 2019

In cooperation with The Confederation of Danish Industry, once again this year...

Morten Hartvig Berg, Head of People Insights

The perfect Gender Diversity Target - 4 tips you cannot afford to miss

We have gathered our top tips for setting gender diversity targets, which will...

Søren Smit. Director

People analytics uncover the optimal span of control

The HR-functions of more and more companies have started a journey to establish...

Jesper Skovgaard Jørvad. Business Psychologist

4 ways the best companies leverage their engagement survey

In Ennova, we see many different reasons for carrying out employee engagement...

Thomas Phillipsen. Senior Leadership Consultant

Use your management team to develop management after a survey

“Our management team meetings do not function properly. We spend too much time...

Søren Smit. Director

A preview of the future – experiences from employee experience first movers

A quick search on Google Trends shows that globally in 2017 there has been a...

Anders Filtenborg. Director

Key takeaways from the Employee Experience conference 2018

In November, we held the 14th annual Employee Experience conference in the...

Søren Smit. Director

Machine learning makes a goldmine of your survey comments

Imagine if your company could systematically - and at lightning speed – distill...

Morten Henriksen. Chief Customer Officer

The right feedback frequency improves your employee engagement

I have had many talks with HR managers regarding how often they should get...

Simon Østervig. Market Manager

5 tips for avoiding employee turnover

All managers and companies are concerned with holding on to the right...

Thomas Vestergaard. Chief Executive Officer

Why is employee engagement so important?

I had the opportunity recently to discuss employee engagement with a number of...

Calle Vestman. Manager Sweden

What will your job satisfaction look like in the future?

"Like it usually does," you might think. But with today's rapidly changing...

Simon Østervig. Market Manager (DK)

How to work with the results from your employee satisfaction survey

How do we create the most important context for working with the results of an...

Anders Filtenborg. Director

How to optimize job and customer satisfaction the right way

"We need to maximize our employee and customer satisfaction to improve our...

Agneta Saxeby. Senior Advisor

Are there local heroes in your company?

Most people probably think of a local hero in a positive sense. A person who...

Morten Henriksen. Chief Customer Officer

Good intentions – Reducing complexity through collaboration

In the past ten years, companies big and small have become more complex. They...

We need the leadership of the future now

One of the most frequently asked questions I get is: What should we do to...

Anders Filtenborg. Director

What I know about a broken collarbone and motivation

"We have what we have." This unusual sentence made a huge impression on me....

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