Insight about employee engagement

About finding the balance between AI data and survey data | Ennova

Written by Nicholas Winther Skov | Jul 8, 2024 11:18:32 AM

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a game changer in many fields, and survey work is no exception. But while AI and AI-generated data offer impressive capabilities, they can't replace the depth of insight provided by traditional surveys. This article explores how integrating AI data with traditional survey methods can create a comprehensive approach to improving the customer and employee experience - and why it's important to maintain the human touch in a deeply digitalized world.




What are AI and AI data in a survey context?

In a survey context, AI data refers to information that has been processed and analyzed using artificial intelligence techniques to generate insights about the customer and employee experience. It's most notable for its ability to quickly process large amounts of information and generate insights that may not be immediately apparent using traditional data analysis methods.

AI data comes from a variety of sources, including internal records of customer interactions, transactions, and profiles, as well as external data from third-party sources such as social media activity and IoT devices. This data is processed using machine learning algorithms that can identify patterns, predict outcomes, and provide actionable insights.

For example, AI can analyze customer interaction data to predict satisfaction levels or potential churn. It can also examine employee behavioral data to predict churn risks or engagement trends.


A brief history of AI in survey work

Initially, AI was used to automate data collection and basic analysis. Organizations were able to collect more data, faster, and with fewer resources.

Over time, AI capabilities expanded to include sophisticated predictive analytics, natural language processing, and real-time data analysis. Today, AI can predict customer behavior, identify trends, and provide deep insights into employee engagement levels, often in real-time.


The strengths and limitations of AI

AI and predictive analytics have revolutionized the way organizations understand and engage with their customers and employees. By analyzing vast amounts of data, AI can identify patterns and trends in customer behavior, predict customer satisfaction and loyalty, and predict employee turnover and engagement levels. These capabilities allow companies to anticipate needs and take proactive steps to improve experiences.

However, AI's reliance on historical data means it often misses the nuanced "why" behind certain behaviors. While AI can provide a broad understanding of trends and patterns, it cannot delve into the deeper motivations and sentiments that drive these behaviors. This limitation underscores the need for complementary data sources that can fill these gaps.


5 pros and cons of AI in survey work


  • Efficiency: AI can quickly process and analyze large amounts of data, providing insights faster than traditional methods.

  • Predictive analytics: It can predict trends, such as employee turnover or customer churn, so that proactive measures can be taken.

  • Personalization: AI enables highly personalized interactions and recommendations based on data-driven insights, improving the experience for both employees and customers.

  • Scalability: AI systems can easily scale to handle data from thousands of employees or customers simultaneously, providing consistent analytics.

  • Automation: Routine tasks such as customer segmentation and response management can be automated, freeing up resources for more strategic activities.



  • Lack of context: AI often misses the nuanced motivations behind behaviors, providing a surface-level understanding.

  • Dependence on data quality: AI's effectiveness is highly dependent on the quality and completeness of the data it analyzes.

  • Impersonal interaction: Over-reliance on AI can result in a lack of human touch, which can lead to employee and customer disengagement.

  • Privacy concerns: Collecting and analyzing large amounts of data can raise significant privacy and ethical issues.

  • Data bias: AI can perpetuate existing biases in the data, leading to skewed or unfair insights.


See how survey data can be the key to less bias and more diversity.


Why you can't get the full picture without actual survey data

Traditional surveys have long been a cornerstone of customer and employee experience strategies, and rightfully so: Traditional survey data provides direct insight into customer and employee motivations, preferences, and pain points. Without it, you simply can't get the full picture of the customer or employee experience.

Here are a few examples that illustrate the indispensable value of survey data:

Uncover customer motivations

AI can identify high cart abandonment rates, but surveys can uncover the reasons behind this behavior, such as high shipping costs or a complicated checkout process. Direct feedback allows for targeted improvements, addressing specific pain points that may not be apparent through AI alone.

Highlight overlooked aspects of the employee experience

AI can predict areas of employee satisfaction or dissatisfaction based on engagement metrics. However, less obvious factors such as recognition, career development opportunities, or workplace safety may be critical to employee well-being, but less frequently discussed or measured. Engagement surveys can reveal the importance of these issues by providing a platform for employees to explicitly express their values and needs.

Uncover hidden customer concerns

Digital analytics may show a decline in repeat purchases, but surveys can uncover underlying issues such as a lack of post-purchase support or personalized communication. Addressing these concerns based on direct feedback can increase customer trust and loyalty by demonstrating that the company values and responds to customer input.

Read more about how you can build customer trust and boost your ROI.

Deep dives into employee sentiment

While AI can flag potential employee turnover through diminished engagement metrics, surveys can reveal whether employees feel undervalued or lack opportunities for growth. Understanding these motivations helps create effective retention strategies, such as tailored professional development programs or improved management practices.


How to balance AI and survey data for optimal results

To gain a comprehensive understanding of your customer or employee experience, it's important to balance the strengths of AI with the irreplaceable insights of traditional surveys. Integrating AI with survey results can be highly effective.

You can use AI to identify patterns and predict behaviors, then validate and deepen those insights with survey data. Conduct regular surveys to keep a pulse on evolving customer and employee sentiment and use AI to analyze trends over time.

Combining the predictive capabilities of AI with the qualitative depth of surveys creates a more holistic view, enabling targeted, impactful strategies that address both broad trends and specific concerns.


Real surveys are the voice of real people

In the quest for efficiency and accuracy, it's crucial to remember that while artificial intelligence can streamline many processes, it can't fully replace the human touch. Sure, AI can crunch vast amounts of data and forecast trends, but when it comes to the subtleties of empathy, understanding, and personal connection in employee and customer experience, human interaction reigns supreme.

Surveys give customers and employees a platform to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns in ways that raw data simply can't. This kind of human feedback is vital for grasping the deeper motivations behind behaviors and driving meaningful improvements. But AI can enhance the output by serving as a powerful tool for crunching the data – especially written feedback generated by employee and customer experience surveys.

The importance of the human touch goes beyond mere data collection; it’s about fostering relationships. Both customers and employees want to feel heard and valued. They crave genuine interactions where their opinions carry weight. Traditional surveys excel at this, offering a conduit for real engagement and feedback.

By marrying the analytical might of AI with the empathetic insights from human-led surveys, organizations can craft a balanced approach that leverages the best of both worlds.

In the end, it's the human touch that truly completes the picture, ensuring our technology-driven world stays firmly connected to the real voices behind the data.

If you need help collecting or working with your survey data, you can always reach out.