Customer Experience Insights

We help organizations and leaders improve employee and customer experience with proven, concise, and engaging advisory, backed by global expertise.

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Customer Experience
Customer Experience Management Software: A quick guide

2 min. read | January 25 - 2024

Customer Experience Management Software: A quick guide

Customer Experience Management Software (CEM software) is pivotal for success in today's business la...

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Customer Experience
Customer Experience Consulting: Elevate your CX with Expert Help

3 min. read | December 21 - 2023

Customer Experience Consulting: Elevate your CX with Expert Help

Customer Experience Consulting is a powerful tool to elevate your business performance with the assi...

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Customer Experience
Customer Experience Analytics: Everything you Need to Know

4 min. read | November 16 - 2023

Customer Experience Analytics: Everything you Need to Know

Customer Experience Analytics is the key to ensuring a smooth customer experience from start to fini...

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Customer Experience
What is Customer Experience & Why It Matters?

6 min. read | August 21 - 2023

What is Customer Experience & Why It Matters?

In its essence, Customer Experience (CX) is about the relationship between a company and its custome...

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Customer Experience
What is Customer Experience Management?

4 min. read | August 15 - 2023

What is Customer Experience Management?

Understanding and implementing effective customer experience management in your business is key to s...

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Customer Experience
Why is Customer Experience Important?

4 min. read | June 08 - 2023

Why is Customer Experience Important?

Many companies have started working on improving their customer experience (CX). But why is customer...

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Customer Experience
What is CSAT and Why is It Important?

3 min. read | June 05 - 2023

What is CSAT and Why is It Important?

If you want to work with customer satisfaction in your company, the Customer Satisfaction Score (CSA...

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Customer Experience
Why is Customer Engagement Important and How to Improve it?

3 min. read | May 30 - 2023

Why is Customer Engagement Important and How to Improve it?

What are engaged customers, and why is it important to focus on customer engagement? Many years ago,...

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Customer Experience
Guide: 7 steps to Create an Effective Customer Satisfaction Survey

3 min. read | May 25 - 2023

Guide: 7 steps to Create an Effective Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer satisfaction surveys are an important tool for measuring and improving the customer experie...

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