How to choose the right customer satisfaction survey tool

How to choose the right customer satisfaction survey tool | Ennova

Choosing the right customer satisfaction survey tool is pivotal for any organization aiming to deeply understand and improve the customer experience. It is the key to unlocking customer insights and making informed, data-driven decisions about one of the most important stakeholders in any organization: your customers.

This article gives you insights on:


What is customer satisfaction software?

Customer satisfaction software is also known as a customer satisfaction survey tool. This tool provides businesses with the data needed to measure how satisfied customers are with their interactions and experiences.

It's designed to capture, analyze, and act on customer feedback, providing a clear picture of your company's strengths and weaknesses from the customer's perspective.

The ultimate goal of using customer satisfaction software is to make informed decisions based on solid data, giving you the peace of mind you need to improve customer relations.

Learn more about customer satisfaction (CSAT).


Why invest in customer satisfaction software?

Investing in customer satisfaction software is not just a tactical move, it is a strategic imperative. It allows you to make critical decisions based on solid data, address potential problems, and capitalize on opportunities to improve customer satisfaction.

The return on investment (ROI) can quickly exceed the initial cost, especially when you consider that retaining customers is often more cost-effective than acquiring new ones.

If even a small percentage of your customers are considering going elsewhere, customer satisfaction software can help you identify and address these issues quickly, potentially saving and even growing your customer base.

Discover another way to increase your ROI: with your Customer Effort Score.


What to consider when choosing customer satisfaction software

Selecting the ideal customer satisfaction (CSAT) software requires a thorough evaluation of your company’s specific needs, goals, and resources.

The decision typically revolves around whether to develop an in-house solution managed by a dedicated customer insight or customer experience team or to partner with an external software provider.

Here are the pros and cons of each approach to help you make your decision:

In-house solutions

When considering developing CSAT software in-house, organizations often weigh the benefits of a custom solution against the challenges of resource allocation and expertise requirements.

This approach is best suited for organizations that are looking for a tailor-made solution that aligns perfectly with their operational processes and existing systems.

  • Customization: You can tailor the software to fit your unique business processes, needs, and goals.
  • Control: You maintain complete control over the software development, updates, and security.
  • Integration: It’s easier to integrate with internal systems and processes because it's built specifically for your business.

  • Resource-intensive: In-house solutions require significant up-front investment in development, as well as ongoing maintenance and updates.
  • Expertise required: You need a team with specific software development and maintenance skills, which can be costly to hire and retain.
  • Time to launch: Developing a solution from scratch is time-consuming and can delay the benefits of using CSAT software.


Partnering with an external software provider

Partnering with an external provider offers a blend of convenience, expertise, and cost efficiency, making it a compelling option for companies that prioritize rapid deployment and ongoing support.

This approach allows organizations to leverage the provider's expertise and technology without the significant investment required for in-house development.


  • Quick setup: External solutions are typically ready to use, offering swift deployment and immediate benefits.
  • Expert support: You have access to ongoing support and expertise from the provider, ensuring that the software remains up-to-date and effective.
  • Cost efficiency: You can reduce upfront costs compared to developing an in-house solution, with predictable ongoing costs.


  • Less control: You have limited ability to customize the software to meet unique business needs or deeply integrate with existing systems.
  • Dependence on the provider: You rely on the external provider for updates, support, and security, which could impact your agility.

When deciding between an in-house solution and partnering with an external provider, it's essential to consider your organization's size, available resources, specific needs, and how quickly you want to implement customer satisfaction tracking.

Balancing the desire for customization and control with the need for speed, support, and cost efficiency will help you make the right choice for your organization.

Get 7 steps to create an effective Customer Satisfaction Survey.


7 Key features to look for in CSAT software

When evaluating potential customer satisfaction survey tools, it's essential to focus on features that will not only meet your current needs but also scale as your business grows.

Here are some key features to look for, ensuring that your choice of software provides a comprehensive solution for collecting, analyzing, and acting on customer feedback:

  • A proven concept: Look for solutions that are backed by experience and success, and that incorporate best practices into their design, questionnaires, benchmarks, and user experience.

  • Actionable insights and heat maps: The software should offer clear data visualization and actionable insights at both the organizational and team levels to quickly identify areas for improvement.

  • Risk identification: Quickly pinpoint customers at risk of churning, allowing you to address concerns proactively.

  • Versatile data collection: A robust platform should support multiple data collection methods, from email to QR codes to ensure a professional survey experience across channels.

  • Comprehensive reporting: Effective reporting of quantitative and qualitative data, including text analytics, is critical for easy interpretation and action.

  • Guidance through the process: From preparation to follow-up, your software provider should offer guidance to ensure survey success and organizational buy-in.

  • System integration: Seamless integration with existing CRM systems simplifies the process of working with customer feedback and insights.

By prioritizing these features in your selection process, you ensure the software not only captures the voice of your customers but also transforms their feedback into actionable insights that drive strategic improvements.

Improve your customer experience with synchronized insights.


Providers of customer satisfaction survey tools

There are many providers of customer satisfaction survey tools. Examples of SaaS/SwaS companies include Qualtrics, Medallia, Ennova, Inmoment and NICE Satmetrix to name a few.

In addition, integrated systems from SAP, Salesforce, and Microsoft 365 provide a simple tool but may lack the depth required for complex surveys and detailed reporting.


Ennova's CSAT software solution: A platform with a human touch

Choosing the right customer satisfaction software is a strategic decision that can significantly impact your organization’s ability to understand and improve the customer experience.

Ennova’s solution offers a blend of advanced features, actionable insights, and unparalleled support to help you enhance customer satisfaction and drive business growth: A platform with a human touch.

Find out more about our Customer Experience-solution here.