Insight about customer engagement

Use text- and sentiment analysis to improve your CX | Ennova

Written by Anders Hansen Warming | Feb 8, 2024 9:08:46 AM

Navigating the technological landscape has become more about understanding and leveraging your customer's words in feedback and surveys. With AI's advancement, your business now has a powerful ally in text and sentiment analysis. This is not just about data crunching; it’s about unlocking actionable insights from customer feedback that can directly benefit your business.

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The role of text analysis in customer experience

Text analysis in CX is about letting a pre-trained model (think deep learning) parse through open comments in customer surveys. It categorizes remarks based on various parameters such as service, product quality, etc. These insights supplement and contextualize quantitative data, helping you better understand customer feedback.

Whether simple or complex, various approaches exist, catering to different business sizes and complexity levels. But the goal remains the same: make sense of customer comments in a way that’s actionable and insightful.

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How does text analytics add value for CX?

With text analytics, it's not just about whether something is good or bad; it's about understanding the why. This context and understanding form a more precise, data-driven foundation for improving customer experiences.

Text analysis can be valuable in many senses – the tool can transcend language barriers in global customer surveys, quickly painting a picture of the attitude of your customers, as well as breaking the feedback down to areas or different levels of the organization.

Overall, text analytics add nuances to CX data for a richer understanding of the numbers and how to work with them effectively.


What is customer sentiment analysis?

Understanding customer data through text analysis is one thing, but sentiment analysis adds another layer. It gauges whether comments are positive, negative, or neutral, tapping into the emotional dimension of customer feedback.

This emotional dimension is crucial in customer experience. As the saying goes, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” And there’s a reason why this has become a well-used quote.

Focusing on your customers’ emotions when working with customer experience helps strengthen your customer relations. Sentiment analysis helps in working with these emotional associations, which is essential for building long-term loyalty.


Actual examples: How to improve customer experience with text analytics?

Text analytics is not just about gathering data; it's a powerful tool for transforming customer feedback into actionable insights. By analyzing customer comments, businesses can identify strengths and weaknesses in real time, allowing for swift and effective action.

Here are some of the ways you can use text analytics to enhance your customer experience:

  • Identify areas for improvement: Quickly locate and address negative feedback areas, pinpointing specific issues in products, services, etc.
  • Highlight strengths and successes: Use positive feedback to understand and reinforce what your business is doing well.
  • Enhance customer onboarding: Refine your onboarding process by analyzing customer feedback, ensuring a positive initial experience.
  • Tailor products and services: Adapt offerings based on customer preferences revealed through feedback, aligning future developments with customer needs.

By leveraging these insights, businesses can make informed decisions that significantly improve the customer experience, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.


The pitfalls of text analysis – and how you cover them

While text analysis involves softer data that can be error-prone, the models are constantly improving in accuracy.

They are not going to provide definitive answers like numerical data, but when qualitative insights are linked with quantitative data, they paint a comprehensive picture of the customer experience you’re delivering – making it easier for you to know exactly where to set in to improve CX.


What should an effective text analysis tool encompass?

An effective tool should be simple and concise, yet still comprehensive, offering a quick one-stop-shop overview of open comments in surveys and actionable insights.

The insights should be operational at various organizational levels and adaptable to different geographical locations or categories. The right tool should reveal sentiment differences across markets or departments, providing a clear view of varied customer experiences.


Start enhancing your CX strategy through text and sentiment analysis

Text and sentiment analysis are powerful tools for understanding and improving customer experiences. By harnessing these technologies, businesses can gain deeper insights into customer feedback, leading to more informed and effective CX strategies.

Explore our solutions for a deeper dive into how these tools can transform your customer experience strategy.