Employee Experience Insights

Morten Henriksen is Chief Customer Officer and responsible for Ennova's Employee Experience area. He has 20 years of experience as a consultant for some of the largest companies in Scandinavia. He is passionate about putting data driven insights into action and securing connection to business strategies through a people first mindset.

Morten Henriksen

Contact Morten Henriksen: mh@ennova.com

Employee Experience
Do you listen often and broadly enough to your employees?

5 min. read | November 22 - 2022

Do you listen often and broadly enough to your employees?

Listening to your employees is important. But for most companies, the employee experience survey is ...

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Employee Experience
7 tips for HR: How to ensure employee engagement when inflation is on the rise

5 min. read | August 23 - 2022

7 tips for HR: How to ensure employee engagement when inflation is on the rise

We have all felt it. Inflation is soaring, and many things have increased in price. This makes it ha...

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Employee Experience
Flexible workplace: 4 views typically held be leaders

6 min. read | February 24 - 2022

Flexible workplace: 4 views typically held be leaders

During the last year, more or less every executive board, management group, and team has discussed t...

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Employee Experience
Engagement survey: how to act on very high or very low results

3 min. read | November 29 - 2021

Engagement survey: how to act on very high or very low results

Right now, lots of organizations are taking their own temperature using engagement surveys. Regardle...

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Employee Experience
Continuous Listening in times of COVID-19

3 min. read | April 03 - 2020

Continuous Listening in times of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic places the human agenda in companies at the center of their concerns and actio...

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Employee Experience
The right feedback frequency improves your employee engagement

4 min. read | April 18 - 2018

The right feedback frequency improves your employee engagement

I have had many talks with HR managers regarding how often they should get feedback from their emplo...

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Employee Experience
Good intentions – Reducing complexity through collaboration

2 min. read | January 26 - 2016

Good intentions – Reducing complexity through collaboration

In the past ten years, companies big and small have become more complex. They are required to work f...

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