Employee Experience Insights

Stephanie Bäckström is Director, Leadership & Team Development. She works with organizational development, evaluation, process consulting, coaching and creativity management.

Stephanie Semay Bäckström

Contact Stephanie Semay Bäckström: sba@ennova.com

Employee Experience
Future workplace: Work is an activity - not a location

6 min. read | March 09 - 2022

Future workplace: Work is an activity - not a location

Among our customers, more CxOs are recognizing that C19 accelerated their digital transformation. Ev...

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Employee Experience
3 tips for HR: How to create a strong feedback culture with dialog

6 min. read | September 17 - 2021

3 tips for HR: How to create a strong feedback culture with dialog

In recent times, it has become clear that we are people with a basic need to feel connected to one a...

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Employee Experience
How to support leaders with low score to move forward and improve

1 min. read | May 21 - 2021

How to support leaders with low score to move forward and improve

Regardless of whether you are a leader of a leader with a low engagement score, an HR partner or a c...

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Employee Experience
Importance of feedback: giving and receiving feedback makes you a better leader

4 min. read | May 11 - 2021

Importance of feedback: giving and receiving feedback makes you a better leader

Many leaders are not good with feedback, and this inhibits learning and development in the organizat...

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Employee Experience
4 ways the best companies leverage their engagement survey

3 min. read | February 25 - 2019

4 ways the best companies leverage their engagement survey

In Ennova, we see many different reasons for carrying out employee engagement surveys. Most are good...

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