Employee Experience Insights

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Employee Experience
Flexible workplace: 4 views typically held be leaders

6 min. read | February 24 - 2022

Flexible workplace: 4 views typically held be leaders

During the last year, more or less every executive board, management group, and team has discussed t...

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Employee Experience
5 mistakes when following up on your engagement survey

3 min. read | February 04 - 2022

5 mistakes when following up on your engagement survey

Are you and your team also guilty of these five mistakes when following up on your engagement survey...

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Employee Experience
Engagement survey: how to act on very high or very low results

3 min. read | November 29 - 2021

Engagement survey: how to act on very high or very low results

Right now, lots of organizations are taking their own temperature using engagement surveys. Regardle...

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Employee Experience
Leadership and engagement: key points from Denmark’s HR Conference 2021

4 min. read | November 24 - 2021

Leadership and engagement: key points from Denmark’s HR Conference 2021

Corona has led to changes that impose new requirements on HR and leadership. This is why Denmark’s H...

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Employee Experience
Product update: Work smarter and easier with your employee engagement

4 min. read | September 30 - 2021

Product update: Work smarter and easier with your employee engagement

We are continuously working on improving our products based on customer feedback. Once again, we are...

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Employee Experience
How employee journey mapping leads to better employee experiences

4 min. read | September 17 - 2021

How employee journey mapping leads to better employee experiences

Employee journey mapping is a critical tool for recognizing and understanding employees’ new prefere...

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Employee Experience
3 tips for HR: How to create a strong feedback culture with dialog

6 min. read | September 17 - 2021

3 tips for HR: How to create a strong feedback culture with dialog

In recent times, it has become clear that we are people with a basic need to feel connected to one a...

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Employee Experience
How to lead in a hybrid working environment

4 min. read | September 14 - 2021

How to lead in a hybrid working environment

As many companies re-open their offices, most of us will have to develop hybrid approaches to work w...

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Employee Experience
Use People Analytics to enhance you decision-making process

7 min. read | September 07 - 2021

Use People Analytics to enhance you decision-making process

Unless your birth year starts with a 2, chances are you have tried using a physical map to get from ...

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