Stressed Leaders Create Stressed Employees: How to Break the Chain

Stressed Leaders Create Stressed Employees: How to Break the Chain

When leaders experience stress, it spreads. According to a new analysis from Ennova and the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI), employees are 35 % more likely to feel stressed if their leader is stressed. Based on 50,000 survey responses, this study provides a solid foundation for understanding how stress spreads. A stressed leader is not just an individual issue, it affects the entire organization. But how do we break the chain? The answer lies in data and targeted action.


Data Reveals the Domino Effect of Stress

While the study of 50,000 responses provides an overview of stress prevalence among leaders and employees, a deep dive into 13,000 respondents goes a step further. Ennova and DI examined how stress develops over time and what factors increase the likelihood of employees transitioning from thriving to feeling stressed. The results are clear: leader well-being is directly linked to employee stress levels.

When leaders are stressed, a ripple effect occurs: job satisfaction declines, productivity drops, and employee turnover increases.

Tine Mundbjerg Eriksen, Senior Insight Manager at Ennova, explains:

"Our data shows that stress among leaders has nearly the same negative impact as poor leadership. That’s why leader well-being must be a strategic priority."

Tine Mundbjerg Eriksen,
Senior Insight Manager


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A leader is more than a decision-maker, they set the direction and shape the culture. When leaders thrive, the entire organization benefits. That’s why understanding and breaking the chain of stress is crucial.

How to Break the Chain

It takes more than good intentions to stop stress from spreading.

According to Rasmus Thisted Højbæk, Organizational Psychologist and Senior Leadership Consultant at Ennova, breaking the stress chain requires a coordinated effort combining structure, support, and cultural change.

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Rasmus explains:

"Stress doesn’t go away on its own. It requires clear priorities and a collective effort. By supporting leaders, we create an environment where stress can’t take hold."

Rasmus Thisted Højbæk,
Organizational Psychologist & Senior Leadership Consultant

Ennova and DI’s research highlights that stress is more widespread among leaders than employees, particularly among middle managers, where nearly 20% report feeling stressed. This reinforces the importance of addressing working conditions and well-being at the leadership level.

Rasmus shares three practical tips for managing stress among leaders:

  • Make stress tangible: Talk openly about stress as a shared challenge that can be solved.
  • Support leaders: Create space for dialogue and learning so leaders receive concrete tools to manage challenges.
  • Set direction: Help leaders prioritize so they know what truly matters.


5 Steps to Strengthen Leader Well-Being

Being a leader is a demanding role, and responsibility can feel heavy. But your well-being directly impacts your team—for better or worse.

Want to create a healthy work culture? Start here:

  1. Measure systematically: Ongoing assessments identify where stress is most prevalent and what drives it. Use data to take action where it's needed most.
  2. Focus on leader health: Provide support and tools that help leaders manage their own challenges. Well-being starts at the top.
  3. Set clear expectations: Give leaders realistic goals and the necessary resources. When expectations are clear, overload is reduced.
  4. Foster a feedback culture: Encourage open dialogue between leaders and employees. Feedback should be a natural part of everyday work, including well-being.
  5. Implement sustainable solutions: Take action to balance demands and well-being and continuously adjust efforts.


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Leader Well-Being Is an Investment

Stress among leaders is not just a personal challenge, it’s a strategic issue. Organizations that prioritize leader well-being invest in their future success. A happy and healthy leader has more energy to support employees, make sound decisions, and foster a thriving workplace.

Want to see higher engagement and productivity in your organization? Start by strengthening those who lead the way. Small, consistent improvements create lasting results.

Access the analysis on DI’s website:


Get inspired and read our articles on stress management:


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