Customer Experience Insights

Søren Smit is Director at Ennova and passionate about employee and customer experience. He is head of Ennova’s EX and CX business development. He has worked for over 10 years with customer experience as a director and as the person responsible for establishing a data- and analysis-driven CX culture as well as a transformation of the customer experience at TDC Group.

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Customer Experience
Machine learning makes a goldmine of your survey comments

4 min. read | November 26 - 2018

Machine learning makes a goldmine of your survey comments

Imagine if your company could systematically - and at lightning speed – distill out the essence of t...

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Customer Experience
Deliver improved customer experiences with synchronized insights

4 min. read | March 12 - 2018

Deliver improved customer experiences with synchronized insights

Companies have realized that working on improving customer experience leads to good business.

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